Car Park Pt. 2

Following on from yesterday’s Parking Solution and a visit to the supermarket I managed to obtain further evidence to galvanise my amazing yet simple solution to bring harmony to all in the dreaded carpark. It was raining which always means a packed carpark (which it was). So what did I find when I arrived? For the sake of this article I parked in the Family & Children space, as despite the rain, there were a few going.

Happy I wasn’t going to return to a dinged car, I went on my way and did a bit of shopping. However – again strengthening my solution – I discovered a total of 22 unused disabled spaces just walking to the store front. At the store front I also saw many empty disabled spaces. Now unless disabled people multiply and turn into Gremlins if splashed with water and stay at home, I’d say there are too many spaces.

The planners are either expecting a Day Of The Disables or they were all in the special needs class in Maths. This might sound a little derogatory, but I’m only going on the blatant facts – I’m in no way suggesting that disabled people are the problem or trying to do them an injustice.

With the nightmare that is the supermarket completed, I arrived back at my car happy that no clumsy oaf had dinged it. And it looks like I’m not the only one who cares about their car.

One thought on “Car Park Pt. 2

  1. The “facts” you’re going on are likley wrong. How busy was the rest of the car park ? What time and day was this at ? Not too hard to realise that disabled spaces HAVE to be created for the busiest time that disabled people use a store. Their planning will have ascertained that level.
    Just coz it’s not the time you ( or I ) go doesn’t mean there should be less.
    DO like your idea to have an area which charges more for cars to be a little more protected. BUT, you will still get grandad in his Merc dinging your car with his trolley ? and the inevitable Beemer baby breeder scraping in the way in and letting her kids stick chocolate covered hands over your beloved vehicle ?
    Now, if you DO it then how angry will you get when there are no spaces left there ? Coz it will happen and then when you go in the runabout and don’t want to pay extra you’ll no doubt complain about all the empty pimp-mobile spaces as well as the empty child and disabled ones ? ?


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